It can be recalled that last March we have released an article on Fact-checking or tips on how to spot fake news. (Read here: This time, we will once again give a special feature on one of the most pressing problems in the country today and how UP Cebu is trying to counter it by educating its stakeholders – the students, faculty, and staff.
On its week-long commemoration for the Day of Remembrance (September 21), or also known as the day when dictator and then President Ferdinand Marcos Sr. officially declared Martial Law in the country, the Day of Remembrance Committee in partnership with several UP Cebu Organizations performed a series of activity under the theme, “Advancing Academic Freedom in this Era of Disinformation and Correcting Historical Myths of Martial Law”. One of which is the Fact-Checking Game for the UP Cebu staff. It is surprising and at the same time, good to know that this year, the committee has finally included the staff in its series of activities. This will help them improve their fact-checking skills and be informed on the different kinds of false information that may confuse them especially that they handle important information in their workload.
The game went on for five days. Players or the staff were divided into four groups. Each group has representatives wherein Fact-checking questions are distributed everyday at 2pm via email by the Teaching and Learning Resource Center. The groups have until 9AM the next day to answer the question since the answer key were also sent at 9AM everyday. Each question is given points depending on its difficulty. Early submissions are also given additional points. This activity helps the staff and their group to research effectively and identify reliable resources. It also is a way to teach them to segregate information based on their factuality.
Here are some questions raised in the game:
In the end, the victor was pronounced and it was Team C.

Since then, many have noticed that the participants or the UP Cebu staff has used what they learned at the Fact-checking game in dissecting the information given to them. One instance is when there is a work suspension announcement. They now make sure that they get it from the most reliable source which is the primary source most often represented by a memo from the Chancellor’s office.
Did you like the concept of the fact-checking game? You may replicate it in your own organization, too!
In this era where disinformation and historical distortion is rampant and easily done, it is always important to learn how to know and preserve the truth especially when it costed the lives of many.