This new normal mode of learning has brought out the best in anyone of us. Even with the challenges that we encounter, from the intermittent internet connection to being techno-savvy, one must upscale to hype our game. Seasoned face-to-face trainers shared the same worry about being first-time online speakers. In the name of learning and adapting to the new trends, we must tap their back for doing a job well done.
Module Creation Project
To assess the timeline of the ongoing project, we have now submitted the quarterly progress report. Included in the report is the update from our module writers on where they are now in terms of completing the desired target on time. The liquidation report that shows the spending and financial status of the project is also included.
Speaker and Program Scheduling
One of the challenges that we face with the target implementation of our projects and programs is the availability of our speakers. We are currently negotiating and contacting possible content resource persons for the continuity of our programs. We are also planning to conduct our psychosocial topics as this is a top choice from our survey on the program to implement.
PC Maintenance
For the student computer maintenance, we will ask the ITC team to schedule the check-up in the coming month. For our initial check, some of the AVR is no longer functioning, and some computer has no internet connection. All the student computers are old model thus frequent maintenance and check should be planned for the continued usability of these computers.
Student Services
The TLRCs’ engagement with students is still the office’s main priority. Students can contact us on all our platforms for their concerns regarding their online learning, especially with technical issues that they will encounter, including our learning management system, UVEC.
Talk to the Expert
Statistics for Descriptive Research Design with Applications is a fresh topic for this year’s list of webinar titles. The speaker itself says that it is her first to do an online webinar. Nonetheless, the webinar run smoothly with few technical glitches due to the heavy rains at that time, which the speaker has been cut short in the middle of the talk, and the posting of the evaluation link take some time due to the intermittent connection of the staff.
Webinar registration reached 1200+ with a total attendee of 556. The webinar is very interactive and many of the participants shows interest in the topic by throwing many questions during the open forum. Some of the webinar attendees hinted at a series of webinars proposing a possible topic.
The webinar focuses on small classroom research and covers the commonly implemented descriptive research designs such as the pretest-posttest and case study. Included in the discussion are the appropriate collection method, data presentation, and statistical treatment for the selected design. The webinar ended with a discussion on the use of MS Excel in the treatment of the collected data.

The webinar started at 1:00 PM and finished around 3:40 PM. Ms. Jerah Gumalal served as the host of the webinar with Prof. Mas Pantino as the resource speaker.
TLRC Public Webinars
Statistics for Descriptive Research Design with Applications
Descriptive statistics are used to describe the basic features of the data in a study. They provide simple summaries of the sample and the measures. Descriptive research design is a scientific method that involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way. Many scientific disciplines use this method to obtain a general overview of the subject.
Technical Assistance
Prep Meeting on the First Responder’s Drill Webinar
The Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment of UP Cebu through its Coordinator, Atty. Archill Niña Capistrano, ask TLRCs assistance to create a Zoom meeting and send an invite to our OSA GSS regarding the First Responder’s Drill Webinar. The meeting happens last May 23, 2022, at 10:00 in the morning. The final schedule of the webinar is decided to happen this June 1, 2022.
Blasting of the First Responder’s Drill Webinar
To disseminate the information and formally send the invitation to the university community, the TLRC is responsible for the blasting of the webinar invitation. The email blasting was sent last May 26, 2022, together with the registration link.

PBB Encoding
The TLRC has been tasked by the OVCAA cluster to encode the activities and public extension programs for the UP System PBB portal. We have successfully encoded the activities from the Office of the Student Affairs, and also the TLRC Activities under directly the OVCAA activities.