Going F2F
The TLRC has successfully conducted its first face-to-face training – UVEC Training for the Faculty – since the onset of the pandemic on 6-8 July 2022 at AVR1. The training aims to capacitate faculty members, especially the new ones, to use a Moodle-based learning management system in managing their online classrooms, which includes enrolling students into the class, giving requirements, setting deadlines, and conducting group discussions, to name a few.
For us at TLRC, it is such a breath of fresh air to see people in the flesh again after almost two years of virtual training.
API Activities Update
TLRC is planning to conduct a webinar about pedagogy for teaching. A schedule will be set as soon as we can get a speaker from UP Diliman. Also in brewing are psychosocial topics where our guidance service specialists from OSA will be the speakers.
Module Creation Project
The module creation project is now in its fourth month since the start of implementation. Module 3 is now in the lay outing phase, while Module 1 is currently under the review of our copy editor. Module 2, on the other hand, is in the final writing phase and is expected to be submitted for editing in the first week of August.
Flexible Work Arrangement
Upon the approval of CSC and the plan implementation of the flexible work arrangement by the UP System, the TLRC has submitted the office work arrangement to the OVCA. If approved, the office staff will have a three-day onsite work and two days work from home. The office will still be open Mondays thru Fridays.
Student Services
The TLRC’s engagement with students is still the office’s main priority. Students may contact us on any of our available platforms for concerns regarding online learning, especially on technical issues concerning UVEC – UP Cebu’s learning management system.
Talk to the Expert
UVEC or the University Virtual Education Commons is UP Cebu learning management system (LMS) that is operational since 2016. The true value of the LMS is never really appreciated until the pandemic, when the university conduct a full remote/online delivery of learning. Since then, the TLRC has been very active in addressing issues concerning UVEC.
To improve users’ experience and to help our teachers in improving their technical skills in better managing their classes using UVEC, the TLRC conducts a semi face-to-face training session/workshop for faculty.
To limit the participants and to adhere to the health and safety protocol due to COVID-19, the training is administered in two batches, with a maximum of 20 participants per batch, and all participants are required to present their vaccination card.

UVEC F2F Training
Day 1
On the first day, the overview and background of UVEC was discussed. Also included in the discussion is the basic course site management using the platform. The mode of training was interactive: an actual demonstration followed by a hands-on activity.

Day 2
The discussion includes topics of adding various resources and activities on the platform. Also included in the topics discussed are performance assessment and grading.

Day 3
The topics discussed on this day include monitoring of students’ progress and reports and utilizing the anti-plagiarism tool embedded in the LMS. For the hands-on activity, the participants were grouped by threes with each group member assuming the role of teacher in a particular course and the rest assuming the role of students.
The participants received a token and certificate after the training.

TLRC Public Webinar
Integration of Social Media in the teaching of Literature
With the remote delivering of learning because of the pandemic, social medial has been one of the venues where teaching can be done. The use of the social media has been effective because most of these applications can be used on free mobile data. This webinar by Prof. Encabo will talk about maximizing the potentials and benefits of these social media especially with the teaching of Literature.