A month ago, the TLRC Team tried a new project management tool for our daily work logs and management. As a small team consisting of 3 members, project management tools are a great help in organizing our workloads and assigning work to the team members even if we’re miles apart. In the past, we have used Trello and Microsoft Teams. Although the mentioned software were also effective in terms of our productivity, we explored more tools to help us manage and organize our work better and easier. Now, we found asana, the new project management tool that we are using for about a month now and here’s what we think about it!

Asana has been around for quite a while now or since 2012. It is a collaborative productivity and project management tool which helps a team organize, track, and manage work efficiently. The image above shows the basic look of Asana’s website and how it looks like when you’re in a team with different projects at hand.

Upon opening the projects, you will see the tasks with which the members are assigned to do within the project. You may customize what you wanna see in the project such as the priority level of a task, the status, and the due date for a specific task. You may also include attachments in the tasks or transfer each task in a specific section depending on the set rules. What’s more amazing about Asana is that it can be integrated into other Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) tools such as Google Drive, Microsoft Outlook, and Zoom! You may also convert and download your tasks into csv files. This gives you the entire list of tasks and other movements you have done using asana in a period of time. You may also sync calendars so that you can see what tasks are up and coming. There are also different ways on how to view your tasks. For example, if you’re used to viewing it by board, by calendar, or by list.
Asana has been a great help to our team for the past month. We now can manage our workloads easier with just a few clicks, and generate reports based on our performance. For us working in the government, these reports help us in providing evidences for our performance ratings. Although there are features in Asana that are not free, the free version is enough for your basic work management.
To help you more, you may avail Asana’s free 30-day premium trial with no commitments! And who knows, Asana might just be the next project management tool you’ll need!