This time, you want to give your students a different strategy for your learning resource and you want it to be interactive but requires low bandwidth but can be both low and high immediacy depending on your instructions. Thankfully, Padlet is useful if the teachers and students want to assimilate information on a subject matter through posting materials. In Padlet, you can post a link for a material from another source but. Below is an example on how create an interactive activity in Padlet.
- Suppose you are going to ask your students to manipulate the microscope via Padlet. All you have to do is open your Padlet application or browser and access
- After logging in using your account, select “Make a padlet”.
3. Select the template that you want your instructions will appear. In this case, I chose the “Shelf” type.
4. Edit the name of your document to your desired title.
You may also edit the appearance of your Padlet.
5. Click the + sign to make a thread for your students to reply to.
There you have an interactive way of using the Padlet Application!
6. Here’s another example of an interactive way of using Padlet for your next class 🙂
Still not convinced to use Padlet? Let’s go to the next page!