These are resources that maybe helpful in designing a course or looking for online but free resources that can be used in Resource Based Learning (RBL) optimized for Remote Learning.
Open Libraries
- The Assayer
- Dickinson College Commentaries
- Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
- Feedbooks
- HathiTrust Digital Library
- LibriVox
- Online Books Page
- Online Library of Liberty
- Open Book Publishers
- Open Library
- Perseus Digital Library
- Project Gutenberg
- Read Print
- The Universal Digital Library
- The University of Oxford Text Archive
Open Textbooks
- Affordable Learning Georgia
- Bay College OER
- BCcampus
- Boundless (archive)
- California Open Online Library for Education (COOL4ED)
- CK-12
- LibreTexts
- Michigan Open Textbook Project (3-12)
- Open Culture
- OpenStax
- Open SUNY
- Open Textbook Library
- Saylor Academy
- Siyavula (4-12)
- Textbook Revolution
Open Coursewares
- Carnegie Mellon University Open Learning Initiative
- John Hopkins School of Public Health OpenCourseWare
- Lumen Learning
- MIT OpenCourseWare
- Mountain Heights Academy Open Courseware (9-12)
- The Open Academy
- OER Africa
- Open Course Library
- Open Education Consortium Course Search
- OpenLearn
- Open.Michigan
- Open Yale
- Saylor Academy
- SUNY OER Ready-to-Adopt Courses
- TU Delft OpenCourseWare
- Wikiversity
Open Access Journals
- Bentham Open
- BioMed Central
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR)
- Elsevier Open
- Hindawi
- Open Library of Humanities
- Public Library of Science (PLOS)
- SpringerOpen
- Wiley Open Access

- The Official PLOS Blog
- Openstax Science
- Chem Collective
- National Science Digital Library
- National Science Foundation Media Gallery
- Encyclopedia of Life
- Chemistry Libretexts
- University of Pittsburgh
- OER Commons
- Humboldt University
- Central Michigan University

- Openstax Math
- Interactive Math blog “The Parable of the Polygons “
- American Institute of Mathematics
- Mathispower4u
- IRSC Libraries
- Furman University
- Seton Hall University
- OER Commons
- MSU Billings Library
- University of South Carolina
- University of Montana

- Writing Commons
- Writing spaces
- PDXOpen
- Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning
- Open Textbooks Journalism
- Skyline College
- Iowa State University
- University of West Florida
- Miami Dade College
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Mount Saint Vincent University

- Openstax Social Sciences
- Noba Project for Psychology
- Central Michigan University
- Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- OER Commons
- Garrett College
- Windward Community College
- Singapore Management University
- Niagara College
- Seattle Central College
- Grand Valley State University

- AVILA University
- Humboldt State University
- Washtenaw Community College
- Concordia University
- Mt. SAC Library
- Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- Furman University
- East Tennessee State University
- OER Commons
- University of New Hampshire
- University of South Carolina