Look. Listen. Link.
Psychological First Aid (PFA) is a major concern to everyone even before the pandemic. Long before PFA, there was a procedure known as debriefing, that was intended to reduce the incidences of post-traumatic stress disorder after a major disaster. The idea behind it was to promote emotional processing by encouraging recollection of the event. As psychologist found out that debriefing has its worst and harmful effect, a more scientific and culturally sensitive approach is developed, and later PFA is introduced.
In a situation like the pandemic, many has been suffering traumatic events, as many has been losing their jobs because of many closures of businesses. The sudden shift to remote learning from traditional face to face classroom, has affected many of the students and teachers alike, for our country is never prepared for online instruction. Also, workers that needs to physically report to work are now advised to work from home. Thus, from working in a group to literally working alone, has its toll on some workers, especially with the adjustment needed.

PFA is an initial disaster response intervention with the goal to promote safety and to connect individual to help and resources. PFA is delivered to affected individuals by mental health professionals to assess immediate concerns and needs. Ms. Jaseluh Saturinas, a registered guidance counselor of the Office of Student Affairs, expounds the topic on her video, the dos and don’ts, and the value of look, listen and link in addressing PFA. The video is ready to be viewed on the TLRC YouTube page, under the OSA Guidance Services playlist.
Weekend Programs
The Teaching and Learning Resource Center will be opening its annual after-school and after-work series for teachers and students, which is anchored upon the mandates set in EO 97-01. These mandates include the following programs (1) Instructional Assistance and Enrichment Program, (2) Psychosocial Development Program, and (3) Student Tracking and Evaluation of Learning Assistance Effectiveness. The TLRC proposed webinars for remote learning base on the Assessment Needs Survey that was conducted both for faculty and students. Momentarily, we are still in contact with different offices and CUs for assistance especially for the resource speakers on the different topics in preparation for the full implementation of the program.

UP-wide Coordination Services
To inform the UPC community about the latest offerings from other UP Constituents, specially form UPLB LRC, we are closely monitoring their email invitations and Facebook page so that we can share with everyone any activities and learning opportunities, not just for the students, but also for our staff and teachers.
S.H.A.P.E. UP! Thursday
The UPLB LRC is inviting all constituents for Shape UP Thursdays. Every Thursday starting May 6, 2021, different speakers will feature numerous talks about our physical and mental well-being. From tips on a healthy eating lifestyle to simple routines to stay active at home and in the workplace; also includes strategies to improve emotional wellness and steps on how to achieve balance and harmony between life and work. A zoom-ba session will follow every session.