UVEC Training Batch 2
Two years after the pandemic, the rest of the country has already moved forward. As of the university, the opening of classes this September 8 is inevitable. The university is already in full swing for the preparation activities. As the teaching and learning hub of the university, the TLRC office is undergoing major makeover and arrangement changes to enable to meet the demands of the teachers and students, especially that we are still in the midst of the pandemic.
API Activities Update
As the new school year is about to begin, the TLRC is planning for a new training intended to our faculty in the university. As the topic has arises from the UVEC training, some faculty proposes the topic about TOS making (table of specifications) as the next topic for faculty training. We are currently in talks for the possible resource speaker.
Module Creation Project
Now on its fifth month, the module 3 on Psychosocial Wellbeing is already completed and ready for printing. The module 1 is now submitted to the layout artist. The module 3 is at its final writing stages as the module writer ask for extension for submission. PRs for the materials and equipment are already submitted to the SPMO for procurement.
ILC Room Update
The CENVI has officially turned over the ILC Room as they already vacated the room as temporary storage for their materials and documents, as the CENVI office in the administration building is undergoing maintenance and rehabilitation work. The ILC Room can now be booked for any functions.
Student Services
The TLRCs’ engagement with students is still the office’s main priority. Students may contact us on any of our available platforms for concerns regarding online learning, especially on technical issues concerning UVEC – UP Cebu’s learning management system.
Talk to the Expert
Last August 31 – September 2, the TLRC successfully implemented the 2nd batch of the face-to-face training of UVEC with Prof. Jerah Gumalal as the training facilitator. To adhere to the IATF Covid policies, a maximum of 20 is participant is observed.
UVEC, formerly know as VLE, is the flagship program of the university’s learning management system.

UVEC F2F Training
Day 1
On the first day, the overview and background of UVEC is discussed. Also included in the discussion is the basic course site management of the platform. Actual demonstration and one-on-one tutorial to the participants were also facilitated.

Day 2
Continuation of the discussion and focuses on the topic on adding various resources and activities on the platform. Also included topic is the performance assessment and grading. The training focuses on the actual one-on-one tutorial addressing the questions and concerns of the participants.

Day 3
The topics included this day on students’ progress and reports and utilizing the anti-plagiarism tool as embedded in the LMS. The participants were assigned as student and teachers among themselves so that they can maneuver the platform both as a student and teacher.
The participants received a token and certificate after the training.

Students’ Computers
The computers have been checked for the start of the face-to-face classes in UP Cebu. In a face-to-face setup, students may use the computer lab at the TLRC to do their schoolwork. This academic year, TLRC has been preparing for the face-to-face mode of learning so students may utilize the spaces and the computers available at the TLRC.

ILC Room
The newly vacated ILC Room is now clean and ready to be used by the students and faculty.