New in-house programs for everyone
The Teaching and Learning Resource Center will be opening new monthly offerings for faculty, students, and academic staff. This month, TLRC kicked-off with robotics training for graduate
students, testing its first in-house program for the year.
What are in-house programs?
These programs are similar to Learning Action Cells (LAC) or In-Service Training that aims to open new avenues for learning.
Who benefits in the in-house programs?
Students will be the primary beneficiary of the program while academic staff and teachers will also be targeted especially when students are involved. The TLRC will also provide teachers with similar training programs through the OVCA supervised Academic Program Improvement (API).
How will academic staff benefit from it?
Since academic staff cannot attend during working hours, they will be given a special timeslot through the After-Work Training once a week for a month from 5 PM to 6 PM. They will also be given special certificates for completing the 4-hour requirement.
Student schedules are hectic, how do TLRC deal with it?
The TLRC will tap colleges and departments as well as the University Student Council to collaborate and coordinate for the trainings. They will also have a special timeslot which can be arranged ahead of time.
Experience Robotics
Several students from the Master of Education program experienced how to program sprites and robots on January 11, 2019 in the in-house training, UX/LXD and Basic Robot Programming.
The program was in cooperation with the HS Robotics Mentor and Robotics National Trainer Mr. Fernand Bernardez. He spearheaded the programming and robotics program in UP High School Cebu and is also currently teaching there. He is also a programming and robotics trainer for teachers in STEM and Computer Science. He has been training various schools all around the Philippines, making volunteer work and extension a Saturday habit.
Mr. Bernardez taught the nine participants how to program a game before teaching how to program the robots. The students were very curious and challenged in the process but were
able to complete all the needed requirements. Mr. Bernardez hopes to spread robotics even to the non-computer science students in UP Cebu.
The training received a very good rating with students saying, “I am amazed how this technology works” and even noted on the competence of Mr. Bernardez as a trainer “the facilitator is very competent and is amazing in delivering the training”. The training received an overall score of 3.66/4.0 in training ratings.
TLRC hopes to host more in-house trainings soon.

Something’s UP! At TLRC Website
The TLRC Website is now up and ready alongside several uploads for the TLRC YouTube Channel. Few updates for the month of December and January were all included.
New programs will be uploaded soon. Aside from that, Something’s UP, which is a short (1-2 minutes) Adobe Video will be uploaded each week. Each video will include updates on UP
happenings that relate to teaching and learning. The videos will be exclusively available at the UP Cebu TLRC YouTube Channel and UP Cebu TLRC website at

Updating Service Offerings using the TLRC Website
The TLRC Service Specifications were updated in compliance with RA 11032 and the Citizen’s Charter. The office is working to make all TLRC forms available through the website. Aside from that, the TLRC program reports will also be posted in the website.
The TLRC annual report for year 2019 is still being built within the website.

Civil Service Review at the TLRC
The TLRC aims to help academic staff reach their full potential as well. Last year, the HRDO organized Civil Service Review for the Job-Order and Contractual personnel. TLRC has been offering small scale Civil Service Review since 2016.
We hope that this year, we will be able to complete the roster of volunteer teachers who will facilitate the review twice a week, after-work time.
The latest volunteer who committed include Mr. Kenneth Cavanlit from the HS program. He will be handling communication and English subjects. Atty. Monica Gula will handle CSC legal basis and Mr. Jay Juvah Estole will handle Mathematics.
Reports on Services