Apart but Together: The UP Remote Learning Expo
The Teaching and Learning Resource Center will be taking part in the expo, which aims to showcase simple, practical, innovative, and effective remote learning strategies implemented by UP faculty during the 1st semester of AY 2020-2021. We call the attention of all the faculty who might be interested in sharing their experiences on this new normal way of learning. Amongst others who unselfishly contributed and share their knowledge are Dr. Mary Gretchen Chaves, Dr. Aurelio Vilbar, and Prof. Fernand Bernandez. As a gratitude, the TLRC volunteered to do the video production, on the specific dates the contributors specified.
Dr. Chaves’ Video Production
Dr. Mary Gretchen Chaves of the School of Management visited the TLRC office for the video production for her entry to the expo last January 6, 2021. The activity started around 9:00 in the morning and lasted for almost two hours.
The activity started with a short discussion of the plot, and sequencing of takes, also the rehearsal of questions and answers. Doc Chaves came in prepared with her full written narrative of the production. After the set-up of equipment, and little rearrangement of chairs and tables, the take rolls, with the fabulous looking lady in the camera. As professional as she is, and a naturally camera-friendly personality, it does not need much take to get the best result.

Doc Chaves talks on her video with the title “Autopiloting: Journey in RL Instruction, Student Engagement and Open Evaluation”. She talks about her journey in transitioning to remote learning and how important preparation and target setting is. She also shares her method of using videos to give complete instructions to the course which allows her students to autopilot into the class without a problem. She also shares that her extensive methods have gained good reviews from her students and that her student logs allow her to review and revisit the effectiveness of her teaching in the new modality.
Dr. Vilbar’s Video Production
As fondly called “Sir Au” by his colleagues and friends, Dr. Aurelio Vilbar, Director of the Ugnayan ng Pahinungod, visited the TLRC office for his scheduled video production for the expo last January 12, 2021. With his charisma and energetic vibe, Sir Au always brought a warm atmosphere whenever he is around. As much as his sunny personality, Sir Au has more to say, that inspires the listeners and shows his true intellect as an educator and as a person.
Without the needed outline and script, Sir Au was able to deliver his line in an almost perfect way, only needed a very few takes in every roll.

In his video “E-Service Learning: Journey in RL Instruction, E-Volunteerism and Learning”, Dr. Aurelio Vilbar talks about his journey in remote learning instruction and staying true to the UP Cebu motto: Nurtured to Create, Inspired to Innovate, Destined to Serve. He stresses that even in a pandemic, one can still volunteer for the betterment of the community. He also stresses his best practices and what he learned during this pandemic, especially in his graduate class where he was able to convince his students to apply their learning he encourages them to be a volunteer as a peer facilitator and content maker in collaboration with the teachers of Santa Rosa High School, a strategy that is hitting two birds with one stone.
Prof. Bernardez’s Video Production
Mr. Fernand Bernardez, commonly called Sir Nand, is a faculty member of the High School department and the Computer Science department. He visited the TLRC office as scheduled last January 12, 2021, around 3:00 in the afternoon. With few talks about the outline and takes of the video production, Sir Nand is very eager for the activity. After a few discussions and rehearsals for the question and answer, he takes the camera roll like a pro, only conscious a little while on how he looks and sounds in the camera.
After the needed arrangement and a cup of coffee, Sir Nand takes the camera roll, with only a few takes, he talks what he needs to tell, with spontaneity and intellect in ever questions ask.

Mr. Fernand Bernardez talks about “Feedbacking: Journey in RL Instruction, Setting Boundaries and Being Compassionate and Sympathetic”. In his video, he talks about his journey in remote learning and setting timelines and boundaries. He stresses to be compassionate and sympathetic as all of us, students and teachers alike, are still adjusting to these remote learning pedagogical methods.