Welcome Chancellor Leo!
UP Cebu welcomes its new Chancellor, in the person of its very own alumnus Atty. Leo Malagar. Chancellor Leo officially took his oath of office June 16, 2022, in front of the President’s Advisory Council at UP Baguio. He was sworn to office by UP President Danilo L. Concepcion. A turnover ceremony followed on June 23, 2022, in the presence of OIC Clement Camposano and former Chancellor Atty. Liza D. Corro.
Mainitong Pagbati, Chancellor Leo, from TLRC.
API Activities Update
As of June 2022, the TLRC has successfully conducted five of its webinar series for this year with the theme “Teaching in the New Normal”. Next in the series is a webinar on “Integration of social media in the teaching Literature”, which is scheduled on July 22, 2022. A training on VLE for UP Cebu faculty members will be conducted in two batches; the first on July 6-8, 2022, and the second on August 31-September 2, 2022.
IP Foundation Course
Three webinars were conducted in the month of June. These webinars constitute an IP Foundation Course. The course topics include copyright, trademark, and patent. Each participant who has attended all three sessions was given a Certificate of Completion in addition to the certificate given for participating in each webinar.
Collaboration of LRCs across Constituent Units (CUs)
The LRCs of the UP CUs are collaborating for a system-wide dissemination of each CU’s webinar programs related to teaching and learning to encourage participation of members from other CUs. In line with this, UPC-TLRC is regularly updating the system of its upcoming programs for dissemination across CUs.
Student Services
The TLRCs’ engagement with students is still the office’s main priority. Students may contact us on any of our available platforms for concerns regarding online learning, especially on technical issues concerning UVEC – UP Cebu’s learning management system.
Talk to the Expert
Foundation Course in IP is a series of a webinar with topics on copyrights, trademarks, and patents. The topic on the series is already run last year, but for this year, TTBDO and TLRC decided to create it into a foundation course. Participants who completed the webinar series will be eligible for a Certificate of Completion, aside from the Certificate of Participation that they will get during each session.
Mr. Jason Nieva, TTBDO Director, is the resource speaker on the webinar series. The foundation course has an average participant of 178 per session. Each session runs for two hours on the Zoom platform and is live-streamed on the TLRC YouTube channel. 61 participants qualified and were issued a Certificate of Completion with 6 credit hours for the IP Foundation Course.

TLRC Public Webinars
Copyright: A Review
The webinar discusses the importance of Copyright, especially in the field of education. It stresses that teachers need to ensure that the materials they share with students do not infringe on any existing copyrights. Included in the talk are reviews on concepts related to copyrights.

Trademark and its Value in Business
The webinar discusses the importance and value of a trademark in a business. The speaker tackles many eye-opening examples of which trademarks are being infringed and what will happen if trademark becomes a generic name of a product. Also in the discussion are hints on how to register a trademark name that will make a good impression on the public.

Patent 101: Understanding the Process
The webinar discusses the basic understanding of what a patent is, what are the types of patents, the various parts of a patent, and how the claims of a patent are to be interpreted. The speaker also elaborates on the process of how to register your invention to get a patent.

Technical Assistance
#ASH1st2022 First Responder’s Webinar
The Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment (OASH) through Atty. Archill Niña Capistrano organized the First Responders Webinar with the participation of UP Cebu’s OSA guidance services specialists. Aside from the discussion on anti-sexual harassment, our GSSs also present scenario role-playing on how sexual harassment is manifested and how to deal with the situation.

#ASH1st2022 Culmination Program
The culmination program of OASHs #ASH1st2022 features Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal talks about “Understanding the Terrains of and Dealing with Sexual Orientation Abuse and Violence.

(E-)Internship Safety Briefing
The e-internship briefing is for all incoming students this semester. This is to continually update the students of the topic about anti-sexual harassment and data privacy and protection. Chancellor Atty. Leo Malagar gives the opening remarks while Atty. Archill Niña Capistrano discusses the subject matter.

UP-wide Coordination Services
Career Development Opportunity for Women via Wedu
Wedu is an organization that envisions a world where half of all leaders are women. The details of the program have been blasted to the university community. The program is originally shared by the Diliman Learning Resource Center through its Director Prof. Dan Anthony Dorado.

Data Literacy for Research and Computing
This program is shared by Diliman Learning Resource Center. The aim of the program is to enhance the scholarship capability of our students by providing them with data science skills and tools. The program is open to any UP student that has an active UP webmail account and is partnered with Datacamp. The information is disseminated to the university community.