Focusing on Knowledge and Skills
The Teaching and Learning Resource Center focused on content creation and training for the month of June and July.
The vacuum of students due to the summer break gave us a chance to redirect our efforts to help staff and incoming students develop skills that they can use in their subjects in the coming semester.
We started off with various started off with teaching collaboration trainings which is a technology enhancement program for teachers followed by the Math 100/54 tutorials with the help of top students from UP Diliman, the staff’s After-Work Trainings, and the Master of Education 8-hour Research Writing Workshop.
The center also helps in the coordination of the supplementary courses to be given to the incoming first year students to help alleviated the Math and English course drop outs/failures which is evident in the past year. The Office of the University Registrar, the College of Communication, Art, and Design, and the Department of Mathematics came together to devise the course allotment.
In total, 15 graduate students, 67 undergraduate students, 16 academic staff, and 16 faculty members benefited from the trainings during the summer vacation period. The office got 1 project-based assistant, 3 student peer tutors, and 5 completed coordination services.
“I am very happy that the topics they deliver are very useful and relevant ”
Trainee A
Math 100/54 Tutorials
The center offered a Midyear Math 100/54 Tutorials as directed by the Office of the Chancellor to help the students taking the subjects at the Department of Mathematics. Professors Cherrylyn Alota and Natividad Estillore coordinated with the time schedules and the attendance of the students.
We hired three top students from UP Diliman, Esel Nanci Heeler, Rhoda Mae Cuevas, and Marieve Gillian Aldemita to review and tutor the students. They worked with the students from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM everyday for 18 days from June to July 2019.

The program tutored 67 students from both Math 100 and Math 54 class. The program was funded using the CHED allotted funds for Student Activities which is generously approved by the Office of Student Affairs.
Teacher’s Collaboration Training
Teachers has been using the GSuite for Education for a while now, but they tend to only use the Google Classroom or the Gmail only. There are various tools inside GSuite that promote faster collaboration and program management.
The training which happened on June 4, 2019 and served a total of 20 teachers and academic staff. The training introduced them to GSuite tools such as sites, docs, and spreadsheets as well as the project management tool Trello. The center hopes that the trainees will echo their knowledge to their respective offices.

The training saw the participants learn about the GSuite for Education tools included in their UP-System email. The system was used to create a collaboration space for the teachers to work together. They were included in a team drive in google and they started working on the task they are assigned to. They learned how to chat within documents and give comments and suggest revisions. These are important collaboration techniques and skills that they must teach their students. Academic staffs were also able to take part of the training and the project management software Trello and the GSuite collab tool tend to be very important for them. At the end of the session, they were grouped and worked on 4 documents to show the team. Some work on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets. Some created websites. All of them reported and delivered reporting of the task completion on Trello.
This training will hopefully allow the teachers to participate in the UP TAP (teaching asset program) and their pioneer students in the UP StEP (educational parallel support program).

June and July 2019
The center believes that it is not only the students and teachers should be empowered but the academic staff as well. The academic staff are always challenged to perform better in organizing department programs and manage specific programs. By improving staff knowledge and skills in office processes, they will be able to handle the tasks with ease and confidence.

Part of the first leg of After-Work Training focused on the use of an online application Canva in designing and creating better posters and certificates for internal events and programs. The participants were taught the basics of visual principles and are asked to complete home-tasks required in creating posters and certificates. A total of 10 academic staff benefited in the first training leg which started on July 3 and July 10. New training leg will start in August 14 and 21, 2019.