A Glimpse of Hope
The Philippines may be the last country in South East Asia to receive the most anticipated vaccine, it is still something that we must celebrate and be happy with. The long wait is over. After almost a year under quarantine, the first batch of COVID-19 vaccines has finally arrived. This progress gives hope to us all, as everyone is looking forward to our life going back to normal. What could this mean to us all? Our way of life, the way we study, how we do business, how we carry out our work, and how we interact socially could have been affected or changed, but little by little, we will get there again, soon!
OSA Learning Guide for All
As part of the Academic Support Remote Learning Readiness Kit that we implemented in preparation for the full implementation of online learning because of the pandemic, our OSA guidance counselors have been given a task to provide a learning guide and discussion that focuses on mental health issues. Such a topic can be shared with everyone, as all of us, one way or the other, has also been affected, especially with the work from home setting and the sudden shift of collaborative to working alone.
Public Service and Engagement
Since the pandemic, our work setting, and timing has changed drastically and our public engagements have been discouraged if not has been limited. With the easing of quarantine status, many university alumni have been contacting us for updates on their alumni ID, and queries on courses and subject offerings. With proper advance arrangements and following health protocols, we are already distributing their ID for those who want to claim it.
Learn from the Expert
The COVID-19 pandemic has tested us all, physically, financially, emotionally, and psychologically. With over a year after the pandemic and quarantine, many have been developing anxiety and depressions, especially with the economic meltdown that our country has witnessed, affecting most of the population, from the student with his online classes, to the workers who lost their job because of work closure, to the families who are separated due to lockdowns, to the travelers who are unable to move out due to border restrictions and to the staff who are now working remotely because of work from home set-up.
In a situation like this, there is nothing we can depend on but ourselves. But there are times that we feel we need someone to talk to, to talk about our worries, to confess our guilt and troubles, and to ask for advice and time just to talk about anything. When a situation calls, remember about emphatic listening.

Emphatic Listening is a structured listening and questioning technique that allows you to develop and enhance relationships with a stronger understanding of what is being conveyed, both intellectually and emotionally. Mr. Jeffrey Pelonio, a registered guidance counselor of the Office of Student Affairs, expounds on the topic of his video, the dos and don’ts, and the therapeutic value of listening. The video is ready to be viewed on the TLRC YouTube page.
RL Survey Review Committee
The Review Committee on the Remote Learning Student and Teacher Survey convened last March 22, 2021, to review the first remote learning survey that was used in the first semester and to refine to better use as a basis for the implementation of better programs and iterative in the coming academic year. This is also in support of the mandates of the system committee on remote teaching and learning and the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Teachers Professional Development
The Don Carlos Gothong Memorial National High School tapped the UPC Ugnayan ng Pahinungod and TLRC for their teachers learning and training development, title Teachers Professional Development held last March 25, 2021. Some of the activities include Action Research and Workshops facilitated by volunteers from the College of Social Sciences.

Sharing is Caring
With the scheduled renovation of the High School Department faculty office, the TLRC-AVR is the new working hub for those faculty who need to report in the campus. With few arrangements, the TLRC office has been the new busy spot for Professors Fernand Bernandez, and Sean Policarpio. Sometimes, the office mood is delighted with the positive vibe presence of Dr. Aurelio Vilbar, who sometimes shares light to formal discussions with everyone.