What happened and what will happen in TLRC?
The TLRC has undergone physical changes in the past two months and have been less active in making new seminars, training, and helping students in the nooks. The offices daily services are still working, and several programs are underway for January. Here are some of the updates:
- The 2020 API funding for a digital content creation training for teachers was already included in the OVCAA Plans. During a consultation meeting with Prof. Rose Arong, Mass Comm Graduates who are specializing with digital content will be outsourced to provide the teachers with technical needs to create digital content.
- On the sides, after-work training will resume in January 2020 just in time for the next Civil Service Exams. The office will hold a needs assessment survey to further determine what trainings are best to offer.
- The office is also planning for the for a proposed summer peer math review program for new students. This is a student-led version of a summer bridge program that aims to help new students in Mathematics Area.
- Peer Math Review will resume next year for the second semester of 2019-2020.
- New materials, videos, and infographics are underway for January 2020. The coordinator personally hired a student assistant to aid in the creation of new content for the TLRC learning channel and TLRC Website.
- Migration of UP Cebu Alumni Data is also expected to commence on December and finish by February 2020.
“holding up some of the office’s services to give way for further improvements is key to provide better services to the students in the future”
The New Alumni Defined, Data Security Revisited
On November 7-8, the UP Office of the Alumni headed by AVP for Alumni Relations Angelica “Rica” Abad with the guiding support of the VP for Public Affairs Elena Pernia, convened the Alumni Relations Committee (ARC) Convention at the Alumni Center. The Convention focused on the systemwide definition of an alumni and the terminologies that must be used in order to define alumni in all electronic systems including the SAIS. Alumni was ultimately defined as any UP student who graduated and possess a diploma or certificate from any of the bachelor, graduate, post-graduate, certificate, and high school programs of the University of the Philippines.
Data privacy is also heavily discussed during the second day of the convention which prompted the pruning and migration of alumni data being used to invite guests for university led events and programs. Tracer projects using the acquired data is advised to be momentarily stopped until a clearance is issued or may apply for data clearance just to make sure that none of the data privacy requirements are violated. The TLRC as a processing unit for alumni data through the Alumni ID must migrate the data to a safe server and prune the data not necessary for the functioning of the Alumni office. The TLRC hopes to migrate and prune the data before February 2020. New alumni forms asking only the necessary data will be created as a requirement for TLRC clearance.

Updating the TLRC Forms and Slips
The realigning and revisiting of the old Citizen’s Charter of the TLRC resulted to the creation of methods that is hoped to better protect the equipment and materials of the office while making sure the that the clients were given efficient service.
The TLRC wish to make the internal processes electronic. These processes include logging of computers, feedback forms, and use of nooks.
New forms will be created for the borrowing of modules and equipment as well as blocking of schedules.
The office will also have a new Citizen’s charter poster and service catalogue in January 2020.

Ongoing Renovation Updates
The TLRC’s ongoing renovations completion was moved to December 2019 as estimated by the contractors. They promised to finish all repainting by 2nd week of December which would hopefully make the office ready for the enrollment in early January.
The study nook is a very important facility for the student. The proposal to open the office even in late hours of the evening for the final’s week did not push through as the office’s renovation is not yet completed.

Reports on Services