The UP Cebu TLRC as it undergoes physical change
On October 5, 2019, the office undergone partial changes in its physical environment. Based on the unit’s plan to renovate and strengthen the historical buildings for future proofing, TLRC’s operations were held up for the process. This meant, that the office must hold the computer and nook services for the students for about a month.
To accommodate the printing and VLE needs of the students, TLRC opened the lower TLRC AVR as a temporary office. Printing, reservation, VLE, and consultation services are accommodated within the small space.
The office space was deemed unusable as it will undergo changes such as repainting of the walls, rearrangement of the office furniture, possible re-cabling of the computing stations, and installment of blinds.
The office hopes that holding up some of the office’s services to give way for further improvements is key to provide better services to the students in the future. Saying this, the office hopes to open the improved TLRC in mid-November for its first kapihan which will extend its service to studying students until 10 PM every evening for the rest of the final’s week.
“holding up some of the office’s services to give way for further improvements is key to provide better services to the students in the future”
VLE is gaining grounds in the Master of Education Program
The VLE and the Google classroom are two of the most basic learning management systems used by the faculty of UP Cebu, the latter being the most widely used. However, in the start of the 2nd Trimester of the Master of Education Programs of the College of Social Science, a number of faculty started requesting for the opening of online courses through the VLE. What could be the cause of this sudden upsurge of usage?

The use of VLE in the Master of Education Program was first piloted when the once Social Science Cluster, College of Social Sciences, requested for a VLE training alongside Prof. Van Owen Sesaldo. This was attended by graduate school faculty Aurelio Vilbar and Prof. Purita T. Baltazar. In 2018, when VLE became a mandated repository for the GE course materials, some of the faculty started training and using it. This happened after the four-session training done at the TLRC in the first two quarters of 2019. Today, about four faculty handling seven graduate courses are using the UP Cebu VLE. In addition, several GE teachers are using the VLE as a learning platform and some are using it as repository.
When asked why graduate students like the VLE better than the Google Classroom? The simple answer would always be deadlines. According to them, the VLE allows them to see the materials and deadlines like a calendar. This is very important for graduate school as they are required readings and advanced studying for their once a week class. The VLE also allows them to know their grades and to communicate with their teacher formally.
Process Flows of the TLRC will be changed for the better
Based on the requirements of the Republic Act 11032 which constitutes the principles of ease of doing service and the Anti-Red Tape Act, the processes in the TLRC will be revamped. New forms and process will be created to provide better office flow and transparency.
These new process flows will be incorporated in TLRC’s New Citizen’s Charter and will also be posted in the TLRC website. In as much as possible, the office intends to incorporate technology into the process. Forms and requests will be downloadable from the website and requests for service queue will be done by way of Google forms.

Ongoing Renovation Updates
The TLRC’s ongoing renovations is set to finish by the first week of November 2019, however, further improvement such as repainting of the walls, checking leaks, and re-cabling must be done before the furniture are put into place.
The TLRC windows are now installed, however, leaks from the AC gutter and the room openings are apparent especially when the upstairs rooms are being washed. The washing would leak into the gaps of the windows and would flood the office. Gutter leaks also put the two AC units below at risk of short circuit or electrical malfunction. The cement finish for the installation must also be painted with white.
The doors were now installed however it lacks the signage. The office may be requesting a signage commission from the UP Cebu Fablab in November. The corkboards may also need thorough cleaning as well.