New Normal Academic Year
The tri-cities of Cebu, Mandaue, and Lapu-Lapu are placed in GCQ started last September 7, just in time for the official opening of classes for the first semester of the Academic Year 2021-2022 on September 13. In full support to the university this another remote learning semester, the TLRC is on full personnel in daily duties. Two are stationed at the office for the admin work and technical assistance, while our coordinator, Ms. Jerah, is most of the time stationed at the high school faculty office for her academic duties.
CoS VLE Training and Refresher Course
As the new semester is about to start, the College of Science requested the VLE training course to accommodate the new faculty in using our VLE, and at the same time, this will also serve as a refresher to former faculty on how they can maximize the use of VLE in delivering their online.
Day 1
September 6, the training session started at 1:30 PM. The topics discussed include Creating a VLE account, setting a course site, setting up the grade book, Adding/enrolling students in the course, and how to add resources to the course site.

Day 2
September 7 at 1:30 PM. The activities include (1) How to add resources to the course sites, (2) How to uphold academic integrity by the students, and (3) How to add activities in the course site (forum, feedback, workshops).

Day 3
September 8, at 1:30 PM. The activities include (1) Quiz activity, including security against cheating/inspect element method of accessing answers, (2) Adding lesson modules, (3) Adding an assignment activity module, (4) Plagiarism checkers, and (5) Changing the appearance of the course site sections.

Canceled Webinars
Due to the scheduled orientation in connection with the opening of classes this 1st semester of 2021-2022, two of our webinars set for September are rescheduled to October. This is to give more time to our resource speakers to focus on the orientation as they are requested to speak at the event.
YouTube participants are now e-cert eligible
Our psychosocial development series webinars through Zoom have already reached the maximum capacity that is set for 300. To accommodate more participants and with the approval from our ITC, we have live-streamed it to our TLRC YouTube Channel. At first, only zoom participants can do the evaluation and get a certificate of participation. Because of sounding requests from YouTube, we have now made a way to certify them, by asking the YouTube participants to log in at Zoom, when the original zoom participants have done evaluating and already leave, only for evaluation purposes.
Stress Management
New academic year, new and old students converge, new challenges, the same perspective: to deliver our mandate as a constituent unit of the UP System. This may be our second year under remote learning, but there are still unprecedented items ahead of us. With new lockdowns now and then and a spike of coronavirus cases all over the country, we are once again under various kinds of stress. Ever since the pandemic began, our work and life routines have been turned upside down.
During this difficult time, let us continue to look after our physical and mental well-being, as work-life balance is more important than ever. Too much stress over a long period of time leads to workplace burnout and can negatively impact mental health.
The best way to manage stress is to recognize stress, identify its symptoms as it takes many forms and causes, and discover techniques on how to deal with or manage it effectively.

For September, we started with Stress Management with Dr. Annabelle Maglasang of OSA as the resource speaker. The webinar discusses how to manage stress, especially in the new normal where most of us are mandated to isolate and work from home as gathering is not allowed. With this new normal, came along new stressors and challenges and we must know how to manage and cope with it the new normal way.
The webinar has a total of 1914 registrants and an actual participant of 850.
Pagbag-o sa Kinaiya para sa Kinaiyahan: Climate Change Affects You and Me
This webinar is from the initiatives of the UP Cebu High School and OCEP with its Director, Dr. Aurelio Vilbar as the series host, to an awareness webinar that tackles climate change and how it affects everyone. Through this webinar, our speakers, all noted alumni from the University of the Philippines Cebu High School, share their thoughts and recommendations on how the little changes we do can add up to help us protect our planet. We can all do something to help our planet.